

A child-friendly city

Children are citizens

Athens strives to ensure that all children are equal, with equal rights and equal opportunities. This is a great challenge for the City of Athens, to which we respond with everyday solutions. Solutions for preschool education; Solutions for municipal playgrounds; Solution with respect to accessibility; Solutions that ensure safe and friendly public spaces. All of this has one more significance: In Athens, we shape tomorrow’s citizens. We hope to shape citizens that are informed and shielded, citizens that can trust their city.

The development of a new generation of child-citizens, through a targeted approach, is a priority for the City of Athens. A Deputy Mayor’s Office for Children’s Affairs was established in 2014, in keeping with a holistic approach to issues pertaining to childhood.

With particular emphasis on preschool and early school age, efforts are made to cover the needs of families, by reinforcing and expanding services offered for younger children, with rationalized use and coordination of existing structures, and through the use of funds from European programmes.

The City of Athens implements activities addressed to children and their parents, to teachers and to society in general (municipal communities, neighbourhoods, civil society), through the activation, exploitation and coordination of all initiatives directed at children’s well-being.

AI Βοηθός Δημότη (Beta)
